astronaught on frozen meteorite above planet earth

Don't Be Left Out in the Cold,,,,

Join the Astr:Fly family

Join the Astro:Fly family today! We have a tiered membership and it's free to register as an Astro:Cadet.
Click the link below!

Or, if you're thinking of taking that one big step towards being an Astro:Pioneer, just indicate which of our adventures you are most interested in and our team will be in touch with you.
Membership Levels and Benefits


Qualifying Criteria: None - Membership is FREE!!
Just complete the registration form linked below to join.

- qualify for exclusive competitions and amazing prize give-aways
- regular updates with all the exciting news of our latest adventures, technological achievments and scientific discoveries.
- 1 month's free access* to our Astro:Tube channel where you can view footage from recent flights, behind the scene footage from our European Astro:Hub facility or tune in to watch one of our launches live!
* Astro:Tube access is free for 30 calender days, after which you will need to upgrade to Astro:Explorer to retain access. Offer is valid to 1 household only. Further Terms and Conditions will be provided upon registration.


Qualifying Criteria: 1) Book a space flight with us and get instantly promoted to Astro:Explorer*.
2) Alternatively you can level up immediately and get access to all these amazing benefits for only £75 per month.
- access to our exclusive Astro:Tube 'live'channel - 24hr 7 days a week service where you can engage with the team directly in real time! Tune in for a group chat with one of our team - maybe a reasearch scientist on Lunar Base 5 or even one of the crew on their way to Mars!
*Free membership is activated upon receipt of your deposit. Further Terms and Conditions will be provided upon registration.


Qualifying Criteria: only accessible for the most adventurous!
Achievement of Astro:Pioneer has to be earned - it recognises your participation in human's adventure into space and is awarded upon completion of your jurney.
Benefits: The true benefit is the experience! But it doesn't end there. After your return to Earth;
- continue to receive Explorer benefits for no further fee! - invitation to our annual Astro:Pioneer conference and awards ceremony - you may even be in-line for a surprise?!
- plus many more which vary dependning upon the adventure you have undertaken.
*Full list of benefits, Terms and Conditions will be provided upon booking.


Qualifying Criteria: Exclusively on the invitation of Astro:Fly.
An Astro:VIP is the highest commendation awarded to those for whom human-kind owes so much.These special individuals have been recognised (by us) for the most incredible breakthroughs in the fields of scientific discovery, technological achievements and bio-medicine.