// Astro:NEWS //
Registration open for phase 3 commercial flights to
Lunar Base 5 - includes free Earth & Lunar Orbits! Hurry - only 50 seats remaining!
Take one small step today towards a giant leap of other worldly adventures!
Astro:CORP wins case brought jointly by US Fed, HMRC
& EU following companies registration on the Moon. Supreme Court rules all company
finances including staff salaries & bonuses are outside reach of national tax
legislations. More to follow.
// Astro:NEWS //
Want to experience life as an astronaut or have your
name etched into the Moon?! Be sure to register and follow our social media channels
for a chance to win a pre-flight training experience and other exclusive
competitions and give-aways!
// Astro:NEWS //
Registration open for phase 3 commercial flights to
Lunar Base 5. Hurry - only 23 seats remaining! Take one small step today towards a
giant leap of other worldly adventures!
// Astro:NEWS //
Looking to launch a new career? Head to the careers
portal to discover the exciting opportunities currently available at Astro:FLY and
the Astro:CORP Group. You’ll find a fantastic range of roles offering benefits which
are ‘out of this world!’
Huge reactions from the city following today’s ruling
- all global market activities currently suspended - Bank of England appeals for
calm. Astro:CORP spokesperson commented that the company was hopeful the ruling
would not lead to a financial crash and confirmed Astro:FINANCE is unaffected and
will remain 'open for business’.
// Astro:NEWS //
Registration for phase 3 commercial flights to Lunar
Base 5 have now sold out! An additional 50 seats are being made available and will
be offered on the site soon.
// Astro:NEWS //
Details for the first Astro:FLY Space Safari have
been announced. Pre-registration is exclusive to VIP members only - so make sure to
head to our registration page and join the Astro:FLY family.