planet earth

A new dawn in space adventure

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Pioneering Space Travel

Ground Temp (Earth): 24.5o
Lunar Base 5: -135 o
Windspeed: 13.4km/ph
Launch Conditions: CLEARED

 // Astro:NEWS // 
 Registration open for phase 3 commercial flights to Lunar Base 5 - includes free Earth & Lunar Orbits! Hurry - only 50 seats remaining! Take one small step today towards a giant leap of other worldly adventures! 
 Astro:CORP wins case brought jointly by US Fed, HMRC & EU following companies registration on the Moon. Supreme Court rules all company finances including staff salaries & bonuses are outside reach of national tax legislations. More to follow. 
 // Astro:NEWS // 
 Want to experience life as an astronaut or have your name etched into the Moon?! Be sure to register and follow our social media channels for a chance to win a pre-flight training experience and other exclusive competitions and give-aways!
 // Astro:NEWS // 
 Registration open for phase 3 commercial flights to Lunar Base 5. Hurry - only 23 seats remaining! Take one small step today towards a giant leap of other worldly adventures! 
 // Astro:NEWS // 
 Looking to launch a new career? Head to the careers portal to discover the exciting opportunities currently available at Astro:FLY and the Astro:CORP Group. You’ll find a fantastic range of roles offering benefits which are ‘out of this world!’ 
 Huge reactions from the city following today’s ruling - all global market activities currently suspended - Bank of England appeals for calm. Astro:CORP spokesperson commented that the company was hopeful the ruling would not lead to a financial crash and confirmed Astro:FINANCE is unaffected and will remain 'open for business’. 
 // Astro:NEWS // 
 Registration for phase 3 commercial flights to Lunar Base 5 have now sold out! An additional 50 seats are being made available and will be offered on the site soon. 
 // Astro:NEWS // 
 Details for the first Astro:FLY Space Safari have been announced. Pre-registration is exclusive to VIP members only - so make sure to head to our registration page and join the Astro:FLY family. 

The Universe is Yours!

Astro:Fly believes space exploration should be a possibilty for all - no longer limited to national space agencies.
Leveraging from the technological advancements across the Astro:Corp Group, we are in a unique position of being able to offer safe, reliable and unforgettable experiences. Not only will you be able to follow in the footsteps of astro-nautical pioneers but take an even greater leap and venture beyond to places no human has been before.
Welcome - to a new dawn in space adventure!

Flights and Adventures

Astro:Fly have been operating Orbital flights of our home planet Earth and the Moon since 2020. We followed that up with offering Lunar Landings letting you explore the surface of the Moon with the possibility of including a stay at our Lunar Base 5. This year we are excited to launch our Space Safari where you'll stay aboard Astro:View - our new solar observatory. Joining our Astro:Science team you'll not only take part but also be in conrol of your own research. And within the next 2 years, Astro:Fly expect to be able to offer trips to Mars where you'll stay at Camp Primus currently under construction. Head to our Explorations page for more details and our registration page for more information.

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Countdown to Next Launch

Destination: Lunar Base 5
Passengers: Astro:Pioneers x25; Astro:Crew x20
Payload: **CLASSIFIED**
Months Days Hours Mins Secs
0 0 3